Dental Veneers

Veneers are one way to quickly get that beautiful smile.

Veneers are a very conservative way to make changes in the appearance of one’s teeth by essentially putting a new facing on select teeth. Teeth that are misaligned, poorly shaped, spaced or discolored can be given an ideal appearance through the use of veneers in a very short time.

veneers on a tableDepending on the situation, anywhere from 0-1mm of enamel is removed from the front of the tooth to make room for the veneers, impressions are taken, and then lab-made porcelain veneers are bonded in to place for a beautiful smile. Composite resin veneers can also be placed immediately chairside in many situations. A careful analysis of form and function is used to determine the best choice of materials.

Veneers are commonly used to improve esthetics in the following situations:

  • Discolored teeth
  • Worn teeth
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Misaligned or unevenly shaped teeth
  • Teeth with spaces or gaps

Our team provides a model of how the teeth will look with veneers before any work is initiated in order to assure complete esthetic satisfaction.

If you’re considering veneers, please schedule a consultation to see what changes we can make for you!